Veryyyyyyyyy OLD writting, probably contains inacuracies
Let us take a second to examine how television sets work. If you breakdown the image you see on your screen to it's fundamental particle you find that it consists of light emiting units we call PIXELS.  These pixels are usually made up of 3 subunits each; red, green, and blue.
Now obviously there are many more colors than the 3 I mentioned that are displayed on our tv's.  This is due to the fact that when the tv wants to show different collors it combines 1, 2, or 3 of the colors to create a variety of other colors.  For example if a pixel wanted to display a cyan color it
would illuminate the green and blue subunits to make cyan.  In addition, by altering the brightness of the subunits you are able to display even more colors on your pixels.  Today we can create more than 32 million colors from the same 3 colors.
I wanted to illustrate how 3 elements are able to create 32 different elements depending on the way they are combined together. However if you are wearing glasses that only allow you to see Red Green and blue then no matter what the image displayed is, you will always see the same image.
Now when we examine the screen, we understand how all these pixels come together to form the larger image. In other words the image itself is made up of tiny dots not as filled as one might assume. But the closer these pixels are put together the more and more filled the image will appeared, but it will
never be entirely filled as long as it is made up of more than 1 pixel.  Today we don't notice the gaps because the pixels are so small and so tightly packed that our human eye is unable to distinguish the difference anymore.
The tv however plays videos, but video is nothing more than pictures being played in sequence at a very high rate. The high speed of which these frames are being displayed on and off the screen gives the illusion that it is a "video".
So to summarize, the tv screen is made up of tiny little "units" of information.  These units are made up of a minimum of 3 colors which create a greater number of variations.  These units are also a function of another "time" dimension that allows them to have a dynamic value rather than a static one.
So we carry this parallel to life, we can imagine life being a 3D screen that is made up of a matrix of pixels.  However in life or "reality", the smallest unit can be described as a yes or no, giving it a minum of 2 possibilities compared to the 3 minimum possibilities.
Now if we imagine that we are a robot with a supersensitive eyes and brain, we can observe or "experience" reality as a sequence of 3D frames over "time".  How small the time unit depends on how fast our brain and how sensitive our eyes are.
Moreover, what if you have two "minds"?
If you remember, when we are watching tv, the colors we see depend on our eyes.  Since our eyes can only see visible colors, we all see the same picture no matter who is looking at it.  But what if you had a second pair of eyes that can see infra-red for example?  Then you would be able to see 2 images at the same time.
And although those images may appear completely different, they both result from the same information found in each pixel.  However this also means that the source of the signal can hide information within these frames that the other person may not see.  These pixels usually appear to be random to most people.  Like the
framed picture on the wall in the back of a movie scene or the name of the characters involved...transformers
This is
God communicates with his imams in a very similar manner except information must be observed with 3 sets of eyes.
The imam needs to have 3 sets of eyes in order to be a proper Judge (Almizan)
now vs later
1 perspective vs all
that over other possibilities
This is crucial when the Imam needs to distinguish between right and wrong or random vs specific messages, otherwise he could be misreading inro things he should not be which would lead him to make "mistakes" (things that go against the wishes of God).
Luckily however, the Imam is infallible.  This means the Imam is unable to make mistakes.  In otherwords, what ever decision the Imam makes, intentionally or unintentially, are the decisions God wants him to make.
Which brings us to:
The concept of infalibility is the logical consequence of the relativity of truth of the Personal Human Perspective compared to the Divine Human Perspective.  In otherwords, it is impossible for us to know Right from Wrong without a given criteria to determine
whether or not it matches with whatever it is we are evaluating.  A mistake, or sin, like all things, is a relative concept.  Muslims for example see drinking as a sin while christians may not, so is it a "sin" or not?  How can there be two conflicting
answers regarding something that is supposed to be absolute?  The same case can be made within the religion itself.  Some scholars may interpret the holy texts differently than other scholars, as we see everywhere today.  The issue here is that humanity
is yet to understand the full consequence of the Duality of our nature and its implications on our understanding of fundamental principles such as Right or Wrong. And despite our history with the Prophets and Imams, humanity understood the necessity
of having a leader that takes on the role of making the decisions that would serve as the unified and agreed upon by all "Law of the Land." Even board games consider having some sort of a tie breaker rule, so what about God's representative?
Who is to be in charge of making these decisions that should ultimately be served as God's orders to humanity?  Is it logical to think that the people should vote on the person who will speak on behalf of God? Because whether you like it or not, the true meaning
and position of the islamic leadership is just that, whether you recognize it or not, his word is applied on the people as if it is God's word.  So if they are identical in practice and application, you are chosing God's representative to you and hence you are
pretending to be God.  It doesn't matter whether you mean it that way or not.  Christians don't mean to offend God when they worship the cross or Jesus as God but that doesn't change the fact that it is what they are doing.
So it should be fairly obvious at this point that God is the one to appoint the person to be in this position.  Afterall, a seat with this much responsibility must cannot be left for men to decide.  There is enough power to invite every sort of ill meaning person
and practice every form of deception possible in order to attain such position.  And you, my dear humanity, have demonstrated your ability to be easily fooled wonderfully.  This is why God has taken away his children and deprived humanity from his mercy and guidance
until they have learned to appreaciate them.  Sadly it's only in recent decades when the message of Ahlulbayt has begun to reach the unaware and unsuspecting masses.  This is why God has decided it was time to make sure there is an appropriate person to speak on their
behalf amidst all these wolves.
Given the necessassity for the Imam to be divinely appointed, we can be assured that God knows that person more than he knows himself.  So there is trully no need for any opinions on the matter, which should be a fairly obvious principle to those who follow the religion
of "SUBMISSION" to God!  Yet the idea that people know better than God is just as prevelant today as it ever was, moreso among those who claim otherwise.  It would be very unfortunate if God had to interfere and remind you of your place.  But regardless if your willingness
to obey it should still be clear to those with a brain that whomever God has chosen to be his representative then he is Infallibil.  But what does that really mean?  It means that no matter what it that he says, it is truth.  It is the word of God without being the word of God.
There are 3 major aspects of Infallibility:
1) He is protected from sins
You are supposed to do what the Imam says not what he does.  What he says and what he does may not always be compatible.
2) He is protected from error
Any advice he gives you is the best advice for you regardless of how it appears to you.
3) He is protected from judgement
People's thoughts and opinion's on the Imam or what he does are irrelevant and unimportant. He cannot commit any crimes.
If you see the Imam killing an innocent man, you are mistaken no matter what the evidence says.
The best example to sum up how you need to understand the "Perfection/Infallibility" of the Imam is the Standarised units of measurements. i.e. The SI units
Think of the Kilogram (Kg) for example, the Kg used to be defined as the weight of .1 cubic meters.  But because water is subject to changes in it's volume
depending on the temperature, a Kg in alaska will be different than a Kg in Egypt.  Realizing the importance of consistency in measurements the Kg today is
“Le Grand K.” Hidden in a vault outside Paris, vacuum-sealed under three bell jars, sits a palm-sized metal cylinder known as the International Prototype Kilogram.
Forged in 1879 from an alloy of platinum and iridium, it was hailed as the “perfect” kilogram—the gold standard by which other kilograms would be judged.
What you need to understand from the message above is the meaning of "Perfect" in a relative world. The Perfect Kg means that it is the definition of a Kg, so
if you place it on a scale and the scale reads any differently the scale will need to be recallibrated to read exactly 1 Kg.  So if a scales are designed based on
this metal cylinder than there are no means of actually finding fault in it.  This is what it means to be the standard by which things are measured.  It should
come at no surprise to you then that the standard for a Kg is being changed to ...................Perfect sphere....................  Is it not funny how much
importance is placed on this compared to who is leading the muslim and other world nations today?
Anywho, I hope this clarifies the meaning and reasoning behind the infallibility of God's representative.  This should make the identification of the true
representative of God on this planet of upmost importance.  And to do so we must refer back to the proper means we were given in order to identify the correct Imam.
Luckily knowing the seriousness and amount of deception that will arise and surround this matter, The Prophet and Imams left us with plenty of information in order
and the proper means of evaluating the correct Imam.  In order that the faithful may feel confident of their decision when the time comes to follow the True Qaem of Ahlulbayt.
beautiful mind window numbers

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