Miracle Prayer

صلات المعجزات


In this Salat, we will see why "Miracles" understood as things beyond belief, are precisely so. I am talking about things someone is asked to believe have happened when they are not possible because they violate the physical and or natural laws of our reality.

Examples would be:

  1. Resurrections after being buried for 3 days
  2. Riding a flying horse for a chat with the creator
  3. Splitting a body of water in half with a wooden stick

I'm going to define this impossible type of understanding of Miracles as any claim:

  1. For which no physical examinable evidence exists to authenticate
  2. Has no room to verify or investigate by providing us the details of when and where it took place
  3. No scientific or logical explanation is provided to support belief it when it has not happened ever before nor ever after.

A test would be:

If you're wondering if something you believe fits the criteria I just listed, ask yourself the following question:

Can you provide more physical or rational evidence than someone who claims to be an astronaut who has been to the Sun?

If the answer is no, which often is, then yes your belief fits the Impossible Miracle definition which I will refer to as the Nonsensical Version because, well, it's nonsensical!

So, in this prayer I will do two things. The first is give you a slew of reasons why the Nonsensical Version of Miracles (NVM) is a misconception of what people, and certainly Prophets, meant when they spoke and wrote about Miracles. And then I will define and make the case for the correct meaning and understanding of what they meant by a Miracle. And of course, as you've gotten used to by now, within each of these two discussions I will also address the points often used in support of misguidance as well as provide the multiple reasons, only one of which, is sufficient to refute their contradictory claim or understanding.

The Reasons of NVM

Reliance e



Reliance e













Contradicts Itself: (Its own Purpose/Reason):

By reason, I mean the reason we were speaking to someone to tell us about The Creator and his religion. I don't know about you, but the reason I searched for God for as long as I did was to find answers and explanations to what seemed like an amazing and mesmerizing mystery. I wasn't looking to satisfy this itch for answers by substituting the mystery I am experiencing by a some mysterious event that you want me to take your word for. That is the essence of "associating partners" with the Creator because of the consequence of making this trade.  So, instead of continuing your search for truth and the attain the growth of your mind and expanding your knowledge base, you end up trading the mystery for a lesser "well understood/documented" mystery. The reason this works is because in the depth of your mind and subconscious a it's easier to accept a lesser mystery advertised as "well understood" by someone else (especially if they number in the billions) as answer to the great mystery.  But I don't think if God didn't design you with this innate search for meaning and answer for this mystery, every single adherent of todays religions would have a very different reaction when they hear the story involving miracles they are asked to believe.

And in case I didn't make the point yet, the harm of polytheism isn't that it leads you astray or makes you passive about enjoining good and justice or even because God is so stern in warning you against doing it. Sure that is all the reason one should need to not do it, but I want you to understand that he's warnings aren't simply to help you avoid Hell as much as he wants you to continue searching for him for your own sake. Because not much in this world is going to push you to learn and understand as many things about as many topics as the sicere and pure search for truth of our existence and its source (God).  So, any belief system or religion based on belief in a "mysterious" unexplainable event is defeating its own purpose and the reason humans seek religions. I'm speaking of course by the original understanding of religions not the cultural institutions that exist today which serve more as arms of the state or other entities than anything else. But that's only half the story because most people especially "Muslims" see Islam as a cultural identity and follow it for the sense of belonging and the safety of being in compliance with cultural norm. It has very little to do with "repaying the debt" [to their Creator] (the Arabic word for religion), or understanding their purpose in life, or the security (faith) felt when you find and accept the truth and learning about their Creator. If it was about obedience to their Creator as they claim and seem to have convinced themselves then they would know that God makes it crystal clear that repayment of this Debt to him is by total submission to his will (OVER YOUR OWN!) and that is the only method of payment he accepts:

Yet somehow "Muslims" are acting like God is accepts VISA and they can keep doing whatever they like and call themselves "Muslims". This is especially true to The Shia, whom despite everything I put forwards, insist on believing in an Impossible Version of The Mahdi when I have literally run out of ways to make the case that it's me! Aside from the inevitable Kingdom of God, I don't know what else they want. I guess the only way they'll believe it is after I do it all that by myself too. I suppose they'll expect an invitation as guests of honor then as well.  Sadly, they don't understand that the prophecies are clear in substituting today's "Muslims" for strangers who will be unlike them. I'm guessing people who understand what hypocrites are and how to spot them.  I was hoping my own community would understand that and the prophecy would apply to the rest of the world's "Muslims" who are going to see the light eventually whether they like it or not, but they aren't going to be doing it as The Meek Muslims described in the scripture. Because anyone, or at least a Sunni or Shia Muslim at this point, who reads my dajjal section alone, is under more than enough obligation to follow everything I say. Imagine what arguments they have when everything else on here is also being provided in support of my claim. They don't have any other than they love their pagan ways and they aren't about to let go of them that easily.

But let me get back to out topic and repoint out what I've tried to highlight multiple different ways. I feel like I need to remind everyone who believes the Impossible is almost a core element of every religion at this point, that the reason man sought what we call religion is to answer the big mystery of how we came to be. So, if you insist that divine authority is evidenced by something literally incomprehensible by your minds, not only are you asking to let you remain lost, but you are making "mystery", as in an unsolved problem/unanswered question, an answer to the problem. In other words, you are answering the question with another question. So, in this regard you are not much different than the Atheists who tried to do the same thing with the whole infinite possible universes, which may or may not be posted when you are reading this.

But they answered the problem of how this perfect universe exists to support life (and more importantly, fulfill God's promises-yet still unbeknown to most), by proposing that an infinite universes must exist and we are among the lucky few who happened to be in the one that made life possible. By that standard, there is nothing miraculous about this entire existence popping up out of nowhere. It's almost expected by that logic, it would be a miracle if it didn't pop up! lol. Now ironically, they aren't technically wrong but what they don't seem to realize, and no "religious scholar" seems to point out to them, is that this isn't an answer to the question! This is like solving a problem by saying: "Oh well, there are infinitely many problems that demand a solution but we don't have one for any and this is just another one of them!"

How in the world is that a plausible or acceptable solution to a problem!?

Would you write that answer on a test problem!?

Not to mention that these are still hypothetical infinite universes that I haven't provided the proof for and they don't have one of their own.


Contradicts Logic


After Effects Model:

This model should make it clear why Miracles as understood by most are "Impossible" by nature/definition.......................

AKA "whatever can happen will happen"

To understand this example/metaphor of why TNV Miracles are Impossible by the nature of how they are presented i.e. "imperceivable", I will demonstrate the P.O.C logic using the Adobe program After Effects.  For those who aren't familiar, After effects is a computer program that lets you design special graphics and effects.  This is an example of something I did using it:


Writing/Designing Reality

I am including the clip to point out a couple of features that play a role in why I chose this software to make the point about miracles. The first thing to know about the program is that it is basically something that can create virtually any kind of shape in any size and assign it any color and similar attributes (brightness, hue, etc....)  and then place them anywhere in 3D space and then animate any number and combination of these shapes anyway you like.  If you understand what this means, is that you can pretty much create anything you want and make change in anyway you want. It's limited by the processing power of today's tech but in theory, anything you can see with your eyes can be recreated with this program or similar programs under this category. Imagine the Pixar disney movies for example and how they can create entire realities, visually at least, that seem to operate under a different kind of physical laws as ours does. I imagine with a futuristic enough technology they may be able to create these movies where the characters look almost if not entirely human (consider the year the movie beawolf was made).

Try to envision such a futuristic movie and that it would be subjected to different set physical laws or free from any of laws of nature that our own reality is subjected to. Because in the middle of such a movie, the creator could have chosen to make a blue dot appear in the middle of the screen for no reason what so ever, grow in size while it changes its color to include each of the colors in the rainbow before it turns into a triangle and disappear from the center of the screen only to reappear as 4 different copies in every corner before disappearing permenantly.

You may think, as the viewer, that its some kind of glitch or mistake that was placed over the screen as it behaved completely unbound by the naimated movie, which even in extreme cases, are still bound by some litimitations. Except, in this example it wasn't. It was in the actual movie but was designed to behave free from any of the restrictions that applied to everything else in the movie.  And the next part in this example you'll understand why including this "Mistake/Miracle" by the creator of this movie doesn't serve a purpose that can be considered "showing a miracle".

Reading/Observing Reality:

The first part was about the designing of the movie and how these programs such as After Effects are capable of generating Visual Media in which TNV Miracles are as easy as the none miraculous. I will will circle back to why I made visual media in bold but I now want to introduce to you the Media Player who is going to play the role of our MIND in this metaphor. Media Players are what usually gets launched when you click on a movie file on your computer, or any device, which are software/programs designed to open the file and then read and interpret the DATA inside as the image you see on the screen.

You probably figured out by now that the God is the Creator of this Movie, and His Greater Name can be seen as the program in charge of generating CODE that ends up being the data making up the movie file. Now I know that these files get generated and processed into a finished "container I believe it's called?" before they can be opened by the media player. But I'm going to make our example represent the process as if it's taking place in REAL TIME to present me with another challenging layer to proving my counter point to TNV.  So, instead of God creating the reality file and then loading it into our mind as the media player where it's currently being played, I'm going to reconfigure the set up to be an ongoing stream from a file still being generated by God as we are receiving it in our mind, like a live feed of sorts. I'm choosing this Real Time approach to demonstrate that even if God wanted to include a miracle now, instead of what you would have perceived as the "past-from human perspective" you are still asking for something impossible and it's not because God can't make it happen or incapable of doing it.

Ultimately, this metaphor is going to boil down to the simple yet not obvious truth that is Miracles, of TNV kind, are not possible because it would mean the breakdown of what makes us what we are. It would mean a breakdown to the very thing that made us imagine and think of such things in the first place, not to get into what it would mean for our ability to think, reason, or function in the way we would describe as "normal" in our very day life.

Because a Media Player's ability to read the file has nothing to do with whether or not or what is even on the file itself. As discussed, this file includes a miracle that combines multiple aspects that exceed even TNV's criteria. In fact, you may think of it as a science fiction movie with zombies and other magical impossible elements unfolding through with flying horses and all the works if you prefer. It won't matter, because as far as the media player or our mind is concerned, its job centers on its ability to read the data in the file which are usually in a form that looks nothing like the what is visible on screen.  And the ONLY WAY IT IS CAPABLE of reading this data is because unlike the designing/writing process that is open to pretty much everything and anything, the reading and interpreting stage hinges entirely on the rules that allows the media player to read the data. Functionality is at the core of said rules.

Because you may be able to make a red ball turn blue in the design stage, but for our mind to be able to "see" or "perceive" that color change, we have to know exactly what red is and what blue just as the media player does to know what to display on the screen.

And if you're following me so far, then you understand that a TNV miracle is something that suggests that God has altered your mind to make you see or hear something that wasn't there or didn't happen, like changing the media player to read the code incorrectly instead of changing the code he himself was producing. And if he were to even do that, it would mean that it was only perceivable in your reality and the consequences of it and the butter effect influence would break your mind and drive you insane, because you would be literally living in an alternate reality in which an event took place but never occurred in everyone else's reality.

This is why, we aren't seeing the forest because of the trees when we think of TNV. Because the entire data flow into our mind is filled to the rim with miracles that we don't acknowledge because we think the fact that our mind if adhering the very same rules that makes us who are as humans capable of thinking intelligently and critically and utilizing reason and logic and even our ability to discern truth from falsehood would go down the drain if TNV were to be possible. In fact, I haven't gone through the entire thought process of the consequences, but best case scenario your own sense of self awareness would break down and you wouldn't be able to understand anything I'm saying to you. You would probably be trying to eat these words you see on your screen as if they are real food. Because when you extrapolate the Media Player rules to interpret data into pixels to what they mean for our human mind, then you realize that these set of rules are Duality and Causality and the remaining Absolute Rank Principles we discuss in length as part of The Great Proof.

Because at the end of the day, every TNV is going to boil down to an "UNCAUSED" manifestation, which if your brain didn't malfunction and break down will perceive it as most of you perceive the smart phones in your hands but never once consider them miraculous signs of The Creator. Because all you would think is there has to be a cause, you are just unaware of it or requires investigating to determine what cause something to happen that appeared absolutely random and spontaneous. Not many would jump to the conclusion that God was behind it (ironically premised on the need to for a "cause" to what you imagine you would be able to perceive in an "uncaused" state - ironic and akin to believing you are capable of seeing an object as Red and Blue at the same time aka break your brain kind of a miracle), just like not many, if any, see their smartphones as proof of God despite their inability to explain to me how it works or what "causes" it to perform such miracles. In short, the way you perceive the smart phone, would be the way you perceive any of the TNV miracles you've been to believe if I were or many of us were to try to convince you of today. You may not have an explanation, but you'll certainly expect, but KNOW, that there has to be one.

And to ask God to change those rules that make our mind function and perceive things to "witness" or perceive an event that isn't going to do much in terms of convincing you of anything (remember the David Blaine Bus Driver Metaphor?), much less The Creator of existence, means you have no idea what it is you are actually asking because you haven't taken the time to:



Contradicts God's Justice

If God, who created us, was truly utilizing supernatural miracles as his signature then he would also know, given that he created the world and events too, that for the overwhelming majority of us aren’t going to meet the conditions to witness these miracles of being in the place, at the right time to rely on our own mental faculties rather than  be forced on relying on somebody else’s as it seems to be the case for all those believing in such understandings of miracles and why they can never come together with such misconceptions under 1 truth. Because the issue isn’t about whether or not 1 miracle occurred and “theirs” didn’t, the issue is you feel you can trust your guy over their guy while they feel the reverse is true.

And what of the guy who was on a different continent and doesn’t trust neither? Is he meant by the perfectly just guy to suspend all the mechanisms of discerning what is truth and what isn’t that he himself designed into him? And if that is so, how is he supposed to know if he should trust your miracle guy over their miracle guy? You............

Jokers in Poker Model:

Reliance on miracle, playing game of poker against people who can change suits and numbers on any card whenever they want. And somehow they still fall short from beating my hand because it's the best one in the game. But the critical point of this metaphor is what it reveals about the fairness of the game or more importantly, the justice of the referee or dealer supervising the game, who's also the host in whose house the game is being held as well as the one who lend you the money to bet on the right player.

Anyone witnessing such a game under such circumstances would declare it a scam meant to dupe you out of your life savings. So, to bet your debt (to God/religion) on scholars (players) because they have the power to "Unjustified/Unproven/Nonsensical Miracles" (spontineous selfserving change of suits and numbers on the card) to make their hand better than mine (presented as is! With the only miracle being the odds of a royal flush in the hand of someone who never played or studied poker to draw the hand that was predicted by someone you worship when he prophecied what to look for to recognize his "guy") is to imply that God is attempting to mislead you given that every player has allowed themself that ability to utilize miracles as an argument except for the winner who God knew would have the best hand in the game.

Contradicts God's Word!

If ............









Contradicts yourself

Demand for an infinite number of Miracles + 1 more

FYI: infinity + 1 = infinity so you're going to keep asking for miracles as would all who weren't there themselves.

Another way I may reference this contradiction is the "Miracle within a Miracle". This point I'm about to make may be more applicable to those who demand or expect an NVM as a condition for their faith or belief. Because what is more miraculous or magical than if I were to stand before you and make a whole train appear out of nowhere? Nothing! right?  Certainly it would be on par with walking on water if not far beyond.  So, when you want God to make another Impossibility possible for you when he made everything you are seeing and experiencing in this very moment and in every moment "pop out" of nowhere, what can possibly be greater than the nonstop miracle taking place every instant and in every direction you look when everything is literally being created out of nothing for you in order for you to continue living and perceiving? You want another miracle among this never-ending or stopping miracle so you would believe? What can even happen that would distinguish itself from this most amazing of miracles and feats that seems so mundane to you that you don't even realize how miraculous our very existence is in itself. So, remember that when you start thinking God "should" show you a miracle. At the very least admit it and say that you want a miracle within a miracle and think about what would have happened if these miracles were possible and common. You wouldn't take them as proof for anything.

Because the crazy part is, I am literally a real miracle within a miracle within a miracle and I can't get you to even look at me! I'll discuss what I mean by that in The Miracle section but let's the say the numbers surrounding the odds of me discovering my economic miracle plan combined with every other discovery and prophetic manifestation make Oxygen turning into Gold far more likely than the odds of Me being Me without the divine intervention and anointment. For him to be guiding me and to guarantee my success in my mission to the extent that Prophets were seeing it for millennia before I was born doesn't only reveal that I and you are living in the greatest most critical point of human history, but it means our success was literally coded into the source code of this creation when it was being "developed". In other words, before God created the universe (time/space), he designed the universal constant and the big bang and whatever "pillars" of this existence are included in the theory of how this universe started that you believe in, to be what they are and not another value or number (which he could have made happen) was because those were the numbers that led to the establishment of his Kingdom and the success of my mission.

That is correct, the universe is this large because that is exactly how big it had to be for me to succeed. As is the reason why you have two arms and not 3 or 4, why earth's gravity is 9.8m/s2 because of what the gravitational constant is, and why we have one moon and not 2 or 3 and why 1 sun instead of 4 or why not 0 suns and have bodies that don't need it to live. Everything you see and don't see, understand and don't understand was divinely decreed so for the sole purpose of insuring my success in fulfilling my purpose. Because as far as this creation is concerned, establishing his Kingdom is the one and only one objective from his point of view.

Deciding whether you want to take part in it and assist me or sit on the sideline while I do it is the objective of this creation as far as you should be concerned. Whatever you chose, just remember from whom and why you are choosing it, because it is the one thing that literally shapes your real self that goes on beyond this realm of existence.




God is All Powerful:


This is the biggest and most relied upon "logic" presented to you when you're being asked to believe the unbelievable when you are asked to believe the impossible was possible.

Trying to justify it by basing it on God's ability to do anything is a deceptive way of not addressing the real issue. Because the real issue was, is, and always will be, when confronted with these claims is why should we believe it?  When the very mind that the All Powerful Creator is designed to reject it? It was never whether or not is capable of making what we thought was impossible possible, it was why should we believe that he did only for you tell us about it?

That said, here is my answer to those who hide behind the All Power of God: You can't handle the All Power you are hiding behind.

Even if God was to do things we would have deemed to be impossible, you and I wouldn't be able to perceive them because our minds weren't created to perceive what is impossible.

Witness Testimony



A Great Number of....





Jesus' Resurection:

The reality of this one is, as so many of the things that have been mistakenly attributed to Jesus over the centuries based on the false preaching and belief that he is also The Messiah, as in the one yet to come at the time of God's Kingdom (or ME! if you are a seeing one), is talking about me not Jesus. And I know I talk about the "incident" in which I believe to have died. It is by no means being presented to you to accept it or believe it. Certainly I don't expect this claim to be the reason you believe who I am. This is a bonus on top of many other bonuses that fall under God's mercy to you to "insert calm and sense of security" in your belief in me after I have provided you with all the logical reason why you should. I discuss this point in more details under the True Version of miracles section.

The reason this prophecy is about me because of what was meant by "resurrecting the dead" and although I say it manifested literally See Transcendental Fulfillment the main intent was a "revival of the true teachings and understanding of God" and in some instances the "Revival of his Messiah" or "Caliph on Earth" that often fuels the belief of a "Returning person!" instead of the "Return of the King" as the position and title, on whose throne now sits the TICKTOCKER you seem to prefer over me.

Hopefully you've gone through the Prophecy Prayer and become familiar why a prophecy isn't meant to be read like a child reading a newspaper. It's not meant to be literal and it's not meant to be in the form of regular news stories where it's listing you the details of how everything is going to unfold like some type column recapping the events of the last episode of your favorite tv show. If so then I don't think I need to go over all the different aspects of believing this but I will add to it later on because for many of you christians this is a big one. Just remember what you're trading and for what (misguidance for guidance from God). You don't have any freedom of choice in the absolute sense but you don't have to abide by that frame of reference when you want to have a say in the matter. Because relatively speaking, we all most definetly have the freedom of choice and are responsible for our decisions.  What I'm pointing out to you is that you get to decide whether or not you're someone whom God has written their name in the book just as much as it is beyond your control from the absolute frame of reference's point of view. I discuss that in the sections about all of these but to reiterate, by accepting what is logically sound and should feel secure to you in believing over what would be nothing but, if you weren't familiarised with over so many years, you aren't betraying your faith. I believe even the most faithful among all of you have room to understand and accept that not everything they accepted and believed may be 100% match with the original teachings of Jesus.

So, when I, out of all people, is sent to you and inviting you to accept far supperiour and logical truths in favor of dropping all the unecessary inconsistencies and beliefs about Jesus and God and keep the best of he taught you, then I swear to you there is no greater honor or privlidge you are ever going to experience or feel from anything any human being can provide. And that includes myself, I only mention that I, out of all people, as an underscore of the fact of who it is I would be when you accept that this is ultimately all about our Creator and nothing you do or accept should ever be because of me or how you feel about my person. You should acccept what I make the case for logically or you've the taken the time to go through what is necessary to accept who I am and that whatever I say is The Truth by definition regardless of the evidence I provide (but still I will for those in denial).

Flying Horses:

................how is that not a flying elephant or when pigs can fly joke?


Splitting the Red Sea...






An unnecessary Mercy:


The role of Meaning:


Statistical Model:


A Measure of Significance:



Prerequisite: Badge of Understanding.

Only what can happen will happen because what happens only happens when it is understood to happen.
Ideally, my first step of explaining exactly what it is I am about to it discuss is to give a clear definition of the term. However in the case of miracle, I find that an entire section is required to adequately dismiss all the false beliefs, ideas, and expectations; and give the right understanding of what the accurate meaning of a miracle is or should be.
Present Misconceptions
Current Perception

When most people think of miracles, they usually imagine something that defies belief of what is possible.  They imagine an event to be so impossible that if it were to come true then the only possible explanation would be a miracle from God. Therefore they would only accept something as a miracle if an impossible event takes place. This MAGIC KNOT is based on the belief that because an event can only be explained, or better put, understood as the consequence of divine interference, then it is considered a Miracle.  Hence miracles is defined as events that point to the divine.  In other words, any event that takes place which makes people believe it was a sign from God is a labeled miraculous event.

The definition above defies the Requirements Of Understanding ROF.  The reason for this is an impossible event is an event that cannot take place, if any event was to take place then it would automatically be rendered as POSSIBLE.  This knot is called the Closed Minded Knot, because the way it is stated leaves no room for it to ever be true.

In other words it is like sitting inside of a room with a small 5 meter opening and asking for proof that 10 meter balls exist by bringing it into the room.  It is reasonable to ask for something dumbfounding in order it may be considered a miracle, perhaps near impossible, but it must be POSSIBLE.  Because only possible events can happen BDF.  It must also be something that can be understood, because only what is understandable can be perceived, and only what is perceived can be defined, even if the definition is Miracle.

I am almost certain this confusion was created on purpose in order to drive us away from God to isolate us into the controllable states you all find yourselves in.  This confusion was the result of an attempt to discredit the involvement of divinity in our daily affairs by raising the standards of what is consider scientifically possible to a (NONCOMPREHENSIVE UNDERSTANDING) LEVEL thereby pinning science and religion as 2 realities at odds rather than complimentary and proof of each other.
Precedents Exist & Must Exist
One of the main reasons that helped and is still helping in the spreading of this misunderstanding is the fact that many of the religions, at one period in history or another, found themselves competing for memberships. During these times, some of the heads of these religious institutions saw that truthfulness and authenticity takes a back seat to recruitment rates. These sort of decisions are always motivated by many different types of reasons, from political and personal gains to almost every other type of pressure one can find themselves subject to. But the one thing that never contributes to the spread of these misrepresentations, and just plain lies in many cases, is true understanding and fear of God.

Anyone with a little of reading into history, whether recent or distant, is quite aware of this phenomena of using religion as a political tool (Our modern times are no exception!). In addition to all the mainstream corruption that was and still is rampant across all institutions of power, holy wars and revolution increased the demand for the types of unbelievable stories and myths sold to the people as miracles. And today, all this dishonesty of all religions at a certain point (I really don't find any need to make any exceptions here!) has return to haunt them in their fight against this modern day explosion of atheism. This is specially true concerning the more prominent religions and with their bloodthirsty history, we can see they have become entrenched in false ideologies and beliefs all or most of which are based on fantastical claims that are either absolute lies or at best as far from the truth as they can be.  So it should come as no surprise to us why these religions propose, rather insist, that the modern misconception of what a miracle is must stand. Many of the people or scholars who usually find themselves responsible to either clarify these matters or remain quiet (and just kick the can of worms down the road), come to find an overwhelming barrage of brothers of the cause trying to silence them with the same kind of reasoning that started these issues in the first place:

No good can come from that!
People will only lose faith in our institutions!
This will only help our enemies!
Now is not the Time!
What can one person do!
It's not my job!
etc. etc. etc
There is never a lack of "reasonably" sounding excuses to convince yourself it is better to lie, completely forgetting that it is Iblis' main mechanism to supply you with these excuses that hold no water if you were to be honest with yourself and judge accordingly.

I wanted to briefly mention the fact that I am well aware of the large and very inclusive group of religions that believes and accepts miracles as an essential part of the faith or simply recounting incidents or explanations that involve such a misguided belief. Yet I categorically deny any such events to have happened, or can ever happen the way they claim they have and/or will. And the material on this page will go in depth into the reasoning why I believe it to be so and why I am right and they are wrong.
Cases in point
I just want to highlight some of examples of beliefs that I find them to be a great disservice to one's own religion and God to believe in and to contribute to the status quo of their acceptance. I am only going to mention them here and I will address my responses to each one at the end. So here's my top 7:

Splitting of the Sea
Talking Baby

The Baseless Bases
A Rock & A Hard Place
I want to start by addressing all the different types of answers one might here as a defense from the other side and offer a proper response to each one. But first I wanted to reiterate that I am not someone who denies the fact that miracles have happened, are happening, and will happen. What I am is against the present day understanding of what they are supposed to be. And you will find that once all the misconceptions are cleared up, people of faith will have more than enough reasons to be joyful; if their intentions were pure in wanting to protect their faith and not their own pride by denying they are wrong.

I felt like this needed to get cleared up before my words and rebuttals turn into a tool in any atheists' hands to be used against any people of faith. I believe with purity of the heart, these clarifications should be welcomed and accepted by all faiths who consider themselves worshiping The Creator God or God of Abraham as he is known to the 3 major religions. So if you are a stubborn atheist, you might enjoy the some parts of this page but you will find that short lived in light of the rest of the material on here, and on the site as a whole. As for atheists searching for the truth and demand sufficient evidence to be presented before accepting any belief, then to you I say "Welcome Home!".

I know some of what I will go over might seem unnecessary or redundant in light of everything being discussed, but I wanted to try to be as comprehensive as possible to help some of the younger readers get answers they may not be able to derive on their own from the main debunked points. So if you are reading this and are on track with the greater line of reasoning I started in other sections, then you will probably want to skip many of what is listed below and go to the Understanding Square Section.
The All Powerful Argument
God can do anything.
But It Says So Clearly
Read it carefully

How meaning is derived?
The He Said She Said Game
Quoting historical sources.
The Numbers Game
How can so many be wrong?
An Authentic Witness
But we know so and so saw it, and they wouldn't lie.
But That Means...
My parents lied to me, or my faith has been a lie...

Not True, but if would be if you insist on believing in a lie.

The Hard Place(ys) Tricks
Now in order not to contradict the rules we set for ourselves in the beginning when we discussed how truth must always be ascertained, I will admit that all these reasons above don't necessarily, as in absolutely, make them wrong. So despite the fact that what I presented might seem as overwhelming proof to many, or definitive to myself, I still can't allow myself to accept, much less believe, to be true until I have measured it against the alternative.  And the alternative here is the explanations offered or the definition offered by those who disbelieve in the idea that miracles can or have ever happened.

Before we dive into this part, I want mention that if we were to be fair to the other side, so far into the arguments they can simply walk away with argument that you don't seem to have any supported arguments that can convince most people who weren't brought up believing it in the first place. So they can walk away on grounds that you don't and can't know, so their guess to not believe is just as valid as yours. Because even if they were to follow your strongest unstated argument, then that argument would seem that they should follow what their used to and what makes them comfortable.

However I am not a supporter of the accepted definition, so from my perspective I still need to hear the other side's arguments before I make a decision of whether to accept or refute the idea of miracles, for the reasons we have deduced in the Geometry of Truth Section. So for me, as it should be to all the readers of this site, there is no pre-accepted belief to simply fall back into and deny the idea of miracles entirely. So let us start objectively understand the reasoning followed by those who deny miracles all together.
Linguistic Traps
The Lucky Coincidence


There is one thing that this approach does not and cannot account for because it makes use of an idea that is applied in the scientific community with the understanding that it is evidence of sufficient proof, and that is intention (HIDDEN TRIXEL).  But first, we have another question that must be answered.


If miracles are not supernatural events that defy possibility, how are we to distinguish the miraculous from the mundane?  The answer is quite simple actually, and would become very clear to us if we were to take a moment to clearly define the terms we use when we debate these matters.  Once this is done, we can see that science does not simply encompass miracles but moreso required for miracles to exist.  Because miracles, by their nature, can be assigned a statistical value they fall within the realm of what is probable.  To make the distinction, an example is more explain it in terms of an example.  Let us consider a person who wins the lottery, if this winner was a lottery player his entire life this is great news for anybody who hears about it but nobody will think it is a miracle, while the statisticians will say that is very normal considering how many tickets were sold, it would be more unlikely if the event that nobody winning.  But what if this was his first time playing?  Many of his friends will say he is the luckiest man they have ever met, while statisticians will say that it is normal because overall the probability equation and due to the laws of independent outcome.  Now what if the same person wins again?  Well stories in local newspapers with a quick segment on 8 oclock news introducing you to the luckiest man of the year, while statisticians remain unhinged.  What about 3 times? Well here the story would probably become national headlines with the winner earning himself a couple late night show appearances with the possibility of invitation to the next season of dancing with the stars and maybe a permanent spot on a new gameshow notorious for the original name of “are you luckier than the luckiest man on earth” with your host (insert minority C list actor here) with the  of landing a marketing contract with Kia with TV ads ending with him driving one of their 5 star safety rated models along with the tagline “when the luckiest man in history takes no chance, neither should you!”.  All that while statistitians claim that considering the lottery is most likely going to be run for eternity, it is near definite that one of the 2 time winners will win a 3rd time, now that there is an infinite number of them, why not!?

Ok fine.  As unfair and bias as that is in classifying an event, I will throw that bone and conceide to them the point that an extremely unlikely event, no matter how unlikely it is cannot be thought of as a sign of anything more than that.  But what if I include another criteria to determine a sign from the divine?  What if we add intention?  In other words, would it still be appropriate, but more importantly, logical to dismiss a very rare event taking place if there was an intention behind it?  For example, if someone prayed to win the lottery, they will say everyone does that if he wins.  But what if you do something that nobody else does? Like what if you ask God for a blue car and someone comes to your house and offers you a free car?  Nobody will deny divine intervention should anything very specific and personal come true.  If you asked God to show you a sign that he exists by sending you a white cat and a white cat jumps in your room, you will be certain God exist.  However even in the event of a white cat, the statistician will again chalk that up to probability by citing the amount of people that ask for a sign from god and the odds of some of them coming true every now and then.  At this point it should be very clear that we are playing a tug of war with someone who has a rope of infinite length on their side, the more “miraculous” the examples you provide are the higher the bar is raised, with infinite height left on the board.  However this is hypocritical logic and undermines the scientific method itself.  In many areas of science today, experimentations with the very small or far or fast, for example, have their results determined by statistical analysis.  A process, to simplify, that depends on carrying out a very large number of experiments that produce a varying range of results.  The acceptance or refutation of the hypothesis in question is determined by whether or not these results show variation similar or close enough to what is expected.  However if we used their logic when evaluating our theories, all their experiments can be dismissed by using their reasoning to undermine the results as a lucky fluke.  Yet they will tell you that their experiments can be repeated enough times that this is incredibly unlikely that it is just luck.  Notice the double standards here.  For purposes that suit them, an unlikely event is sufficient evidence and enough as grounds for proof.  So to the reader, please keep that in mind when time comes to look at my proofs.  Evenstill I will still ask that you don’t regard any of my signs as evidence of anything, but do consider what the totality of everything I mention is implying.  Like the lottery ticket winner, how many prophecies must come true before it is considered proof of prophecying? For most people in the world, one seems to be plenty.  But for the atheist, there can never be a number large enough.  It’s like Zig Ziglar says: If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it everytime.
The WHY Not rejection
For those who say why can’t God just perform a miracle that is super natural and convince everyone, they are assuming God is trying to convince people!  When you read the “trials” segement, you will realize that this isn’t what he is trying to do at all, what he’s doing is testing us in a way to separate the disbelievers from the believers.  Many believe the belief in God should be and come to you easily.  However that is not what God tells us! As a matter of fact it’s quite the opposite.  That is why room for doubt is always available.  Again it would be contridactory to the message if there was no room for doubt. That is why god says he is the Lord of the knowledgebale ones.  We also see an example of this when the Prophet would insist on obeying his family after him knowing fullwell that there are those who will do otherwise.  This tells us that God does these things knowing full well that there are those who wont believe but he does them anyway for those who sincerely look for the truth my find guidance through these events.  If you have a valuable prize and you want to give it to the best of the best than you make the test question or perhaps a scavenger hunt as hard as possible in order to filter out those who don’t deserve it.  So considering how paradise has been described to us, do you think it’s something that is going to be given out for everyone? Refer to the “trials” section.

As for those who say why can’t it be supernatural in nature just to convince at least people nearby.  What would you consider to be a supernatural miracle? Can you even think of any that wont be simple with current or future technologies?  Would tricks we see at magic shows count as a supernatural miracle if performed in the street?  See this is another example of man raising the “convince me” bar again to an arbitrary level without even clearly definining it.  What kind of a miracle will do when the creation of the heavens and earth including your ownself does not satisfy?  Wouldn’t a supernatural miracle be understood as simply an unexplained phenomena or something that requires further study?  And wouldn’t you just say well it is more appropriate to say we don’t know than to assume God did this?  See when you consider all sides to this argument you begin to see it is no argument at all, it is simply a new way to give room for doubt for those who simply refuse to believe.  Because I guarantee you if God were to perform a miracle the way you are thinking it will be something regular and in a few decades you will want a SUPERMIRACLE.  That is why God’s miracles are much more elegant and noble in nature.  So stop thinking of the lack of a supernatural miracle as the lack of God’s ability to perform one, rather it is your inability to conceive it that is the problem.


Some believe that a supernatural miracle is appropriate to expect as a way of glorifying God’s greatness.  As innocent as your intentions and your beliefs may be it isn’t thoroughly thought through.  Consider a “feel good” movie or a “comeback” movie where and when a sports team let’s say wins the final game against the bad “evil” team of bullies.  It would be a great achievement for the team, wouldn’t you agree?  Now consider the bad team players were caught cheating and had the upper hand on the field but despite their disadvantage they still managed defeat the other team.  This would be considered to be a greater achievement by the fans and the team.  So if God said obey my laws for your own good otherwise you will be the losers, as in do it for your own good, it is a much greater miracle for his promise to come true and unfold without resorting to any “supernatural” interventions.  Especially considering the fact the other team in this metaphor didn’t really cheat in reality since scientists and atheists are bound by the laws of nature and free will.  So in reality you are not glorifying the power and might of God by expecting something so unnatural.  I would argue that a natural fulfillment of God’s word is a much more significant and miraculous undertaking.

This isn’t to say that God wouldn’t or will not interfere.  I don’t believe God needs to meet the criteria of what impresses us or what approach we believe he could or should follow.  I am simply telling those that denying me on grounds of my plan being too “NATURAL” is blasphemy if you subscribe to the logic I presented here.


The definition above highlights 3 main criteria for a miracle:

1. Improbable

2. Points to a divine will

3. At least 1 person believes it



The "Proof of God" is a type of miracles characterized by the following: It is a miracle that is

1. Extremely Improbable

2. Points to a divine decree, fulfills a prophecy

3. At least 1 person believes it and can be scientifically proven



A sign is another type of miracle that is heavily dependent on the PERCEIVER.  From the language section we learned that God communicates with us in a Language only we can understand sometimes.  So something may be considered to be a sign by Perceiver A but not to Person B and it would still be in compliance with IDENTIFICATION RULES or ITS DEFINITION.  And since a sign is a type of miracle then all signs are miracle.  So a sign from God is an unlikely event that leads someone (at least 1 person) to believe it was the Creator’s hand behind it.  Therefore the person who receives the signs is the guided one.
The Middle Ground Reality
Both sides of the argument have left us with much to be desired in terms of consistency and support of claims and open mindedness in comparing what is possible and what isn't. We will have to continue on our own and build on previous sections and the rules we set for ourselves when we determined what best to stick to in order to remain true to objective hunting of the truth. So in section, we will use some of our previous deductions of what is absolutely true, and apply them to the context of the nature of miracles and see what we are left to work with. After we go through the process, we should have a clear idea whether miracles are completely impossible or they are possible in any forms other than the form accepted by the people. Then after that, if such a miracle can possibly exist, we might have an idea of what to look for and examine whether or not they have happened. Because we must never forget, that if an event is possible does not mean it has taken place.
Understanding Squared
The Laws of Understanding we derived in The SSSSSSSection lead us to the following conclusions:
Ideally, this is all the reasons one needs in order to accept my definetion. But for the sake of inclusiveness, I will present more for readers finding themselves wanting more.
The "Supernatural" Fallacy


Some might insist that a supernatural component is necessary when we discuss what miracles are.  But here we run into the same problem yet again.  What is a supernatural event?  Is it an event that defies the laws of nature?  Which laws of nature?  We have already established that DUALITY and CAUSALITY cannot be broken because we cannot perceive what we can’t understand.  This leaves us with the science laws of nature like physics and biology etc. Yet if we were to examine this we find that supernatural events are taking place all the time and manifest all around us under the name of “SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES” or “EVIDENCE” that refutes an older theory and proves a new one.

For example DARK MATTER AND DARK energy are things we don’t quite understand yet we never consider them to be supernatural!  Or take our two mainstream and conflicting theories on gravity for example, we know they can’t both be true so one them must be false.  Despite this we don’t consider gravity to be a supernatural manifestation.  I hope the issue with this is obvious, you can’t use all these laws as the standard for what is natural because they were all unnatural until they formulated an equation or a name to represent it and it was rendered natural.  By this logic anything can pop out of thin air and as long as we can name and describe it, it is considered NATURAL, or at the least consider it an anomaly that needs further study.

Consider the fact the entire universe has come out of nothing, yet this wasn’t enough of a sign for a creator.  So asking for a supernatural element is like not seeing the forest for the trees.  In addition to being nonsensical (impossible and self-contradictory), it is also BASELESS from a religious and philosophical perspective.  What will we see if anything was to enter our existence from nonexistence? It will be something that defies duality and causality and therefore cannot be perceivable.  Or if something happens within the laws of duality and causality but still considered supernatural, we will be unable to distinguish it from a highly advanced technology and therefore it isn’t a signature of the divine, especially after the entire universe was not enough.

Keep in mind that this isn’t to say that God is unable to break these laws or do something truly “SUPERNATURAL” if the word carried any real meaning, because he absolutely is and can do much more than that.  It isn’t his ability to do things that is and has been the problem, it is our ability to perceive and understand them that’s been the issue.  We are created with many limits and perception is the main limit.  You can always ask why do this or why create that, however I simply don’t find it necessary nor important for this sort of intervention to happen.  Because if that was to happen then we would get used to it and it will be something, yet again, NATURAL.  In short, there has been many prophets that convinced their nations and reformed them with their “MIRACLES” only for those who come afterwards to deny them and disbelieve.  The human being is very good at demonstrating his ability to ask infinity questions and setting his criteria for proof to continuously move the Bar until his needs are met.  The need to ensure his beliefs aren’t challenged, that is.

After Effects Model
Let us look at the after effects example.  If we consider that God has already designed the entire creation from its beginning to its end and our consciousness is the media player that interprets the code generated after the Adobe file is rendered, we can understand that if an object was designed to come out of thin air and defy certain rules of the “natural” world, to us or our consciousness “media player” it will still appear normal because the object must be broken down into data that you can understand first which means you are still following “your” rules that you deemed them to be the “natural” laws.  This is obvious when science can always tell us the path of ball in free fall but will never be able to tell us where the ball came from.  So stop asking for a supernatural sign, because what you are asking for is a sign that cannot be understood, and there are plenty of those already J


This is to say if the fabric of space and time were to split open and a unicorn poped out of it, the scientific community would simply chalk it off as an anomaly and a mystery that requires further study, they would by no means consider it a sign from God.  They wouldn’t admit it was an uncaused event rather an event whose cause remains unknown.  Think of their theory of infinite universes with dark matter and energy that are still to be detected or proved to exist.  Here it is obvious that science has morphed into a pseudoreligious form disguised as an open minded field of research.  One that you are told to believe it is validated and should trusted above all at every turn.  Yet they are willing to accept the existence of an infinite number of undetected, unproven, and unseen universes in order for their equations to make sense; I am talking about the equations many of which conflict with each other and some are yet to be fully understood.  Equations they formulated in the last few centuries based on their “observation” from one of infinite planets in a mostly (99.9999999999999999999999999999999 23 times)% unobserved universe which they believe to be 14.7 Billion years old.  I am pretty sure Occam’s razor would agree with me if I said GOD takes the simplicity round.  Not because it’s less letters but because it acknowledges that we can’t understand everything, while science keeps arriving at ridiculous claims that contradict its own founding principles of avoiding unproven claims and baseless conjectures and expect us to deny God.  Will I ask you this then fair minded reader, how is this any different than the belief in God who falls outside the realm of our understanding?  We can’t understand the infinite nor can we see those universes!

To summarize, scientifically speaking, the laws of probability have been expanded so much they know include an infinite amount of universes with infinite possibilities.  So they don’t reject that miracles happen, what they are doing is enlarging the sample size to ensure the anomalies become less significant.  However with the recent addition of infinite universes they have expanded to the point of including what cannot be proven i.e. the realm of the impossible, but only the impossible they agree with).  That ladies and gentlemen is the trademark of a religion, and a false religion to be precise.  When you claim that anything is possible and anything that is possible is not a miracle you are shutting the door on any chance that a miracle can exist.

As Doctor Manhattan said, miracles are meaningless.  You didn’t refute their existence you just took away their meaning.

It’s like defining evidence as anything that supports your theory and anything that does not is not evidence!  This tells us that their definitions allow only a range between two labels for any event that takes place, very probable and very rare.
The Consistent Fair Acceptance
So after the last section, if we were to remain true to the evidence and to being open minded and objective to both sides, we can accept the following definition of a miracle with great peace of mind:

A miracle is and can only be a ....

And don't forget that this only provides us the peace of mind in accepting the possibility of a miracle and the definition of miracle consistent with the accepted premises of what to believe.