
DOESNT MEAN “HITTIN”, (it could, sadly not in any context of THE QURAN for all the fans of HITTING out there). I’LL give you a hint until I get back around to get into this one: It comes from the ABSTRACT MEANING OF THE WORD which means MULTIPLICATION. And it’s the word used when God is providing you an example or a parable. See if you can find common ground between those two contexts where the word exists to derive it’s proper meaning in the provided Observation Plane about (Women?). If you can’t figure it out, and you insist on believing the verses in “women” feel free to teach them multiplication until I explain another ever so ironic concept of “SELF CONTROL” that is highlight in none other of …. you guessed it….

4 : 34 or better known as the wife beating verse. Think about an all powerful creator and knower of everything trying to explain to you the responsibility of your CONSCIOUS / AWARE side of your mind over the SUBCONSCIOUS/FORGETFUL/UNAWARE side of your mind….happy hunting (for meaning, not other humans people! – Just in case 🙂 ).